Saturday, February 07, 2009


there was a deer in our backyard. tucker don't poop like that...i would post a comparison picture, but that would be gross.


Really Wild West Mama said...

Hi Liz!!

It's Mari's Dan's birthday and she got him some new hunting gear. Can he come to your yard?! That'd be real cool, then you and Mari could visit while he "hunts"!!!!

Miss you guys!!

katie said...

So glad you took a picture of the poop. I'm such a believer now.

Jenny said...

Thanks for making me giggle.

Mandy said...

So Annie brought me her poop on a wipe today, it made me think of your post and how much I would rather be looking at deer poop than hers!!! (sorry if that's to much for you!) But I thought it was funny, for a moment anyway.

natalie spratling said...

oh it looks all too familiar.