Thursday, September 24, 2009

a word or two on emesis

**read this post at your own risk. perhaps having a bowl or barf bag nearby wouldn't hurt. or just make sure you have a clear path to the nearest toilet**

otherwise known as vomiting, puking, spewing, hurling, ralphing (i would hate the name ralph, but it might be considered if we have a boy), upchucking (chuck, another possibility), retching, barfing, and just plain old throwing-up.

i have become an expert on this.

it is what i know these days.

not that i want to know it.

but i do. and they say you should write on what you know, so here goes.

this is a list of my least favorite things the throw-up and why. maybe you could learn something, especially if you are pregnant, sick, or thinking about becoming bulimic.

in no particular order...

*milk. and i love milk. i used to drink a couple of glasses every day. but not now. milk goes down as a liquid and comes up as a solid. it curdles in your stomach, which doesn't take long, and comes up chunky. and sour. very sour. but not like sour cream. sour chunks. it makes me sad. no more milk for me.

*rice. you wouldn't normally think that rice would be bad. it's pretty bland and uneventful. however, don't be deceived. rice is little. and when you chew it, it becomes smaller. then when it is spewed, it feels like little maggots coming out. and they get stuck in your mouth. they stick everywhere. and you have to swirl your tongue around and spit to get them all out. and still you will find more. they are just so little and there are many little crevices in your mouth. you get the point.

*popcorn. similar to rice, in the fact that it comes up as small little pieces. and there tends to be little pieces of popcorn kernels stuck everywhere. if you are going to eat popcorn, don't bother picking out the yucks from your teeth, you will be doing it again after the big upchuck.

*orange juice. this is something i crave. but it burns coming up. not worth it.

*hot dogs. now i know many of you wouldn't even bother eating one. but i love a good dog. but not anymore. no matter how much chewing you do, they still come up super chunky. i do not like hurling chunks--it hurts. another thing, they really stink the second time around.

*onions. okay just kidding. just checking to see you if you are still reading. i wouldn't know what it is like to throw these things up. i don't think they are worth eating in the first place.

now this list is not complete. but i am done for the time being. these are the worst for now.

and some of you might think that perhaps i shouldn't eat anything at all. but the worst thing to do is retch on an empty stomach. when your insides are trying to eject its contents, it does it with such force and violence that it will find something to bring up. and it is called bile. and it burns. and burns. and you can feel it eating away the enamel on your teeth. and brushing your teeth doesn't help that feeling go away. bile is the worst. you may as well make a meal of the previous list of items and inhale them before you consider not eating.

i used to say that i wouldn't ever eat anything a second time if i threw it up. however, that plan quickly faded when i realized i soon wouldn't be eating anything at all. i would venture to say that there is not a food i haven't thrown-up that i have eaten. lucky me.

i thought about making a list of things are okay the ralph, but i don't think that list exists.

now, go eat something good. you'll feel better.


Alyssa said...

oh, liz. You can always make me laugh. Even if it is disgusting. And I have known pretty much since I met you that you were the expert puker.

lemoniepants said...

something that is not awesome to puke: luis' super hot habanero salsa. avoid salsa.

two things that are almost delightful to puke: grape juice (same out as it is in) and gummy bears.

so sorry you are sick.... there is no help but sleep.

katie said...

I are the expert puker. Every vacation we ever went on, dad would have to pull the car over so you could puke.
Don't eat grapefruit. That burns like a mother ( however that saying goes and means).
Try Top Ramen. That's the only thing I could eat. Now I can't stand the stuff.

Raimi said...

When I was pregnant with Tanner, my aunt told me to eat peaches because they tasted the same when you threw them back up. I never tried them during that pregnancy. Maybe you can try them & let me know how it goes :-). Good luck & I hope you feel better soon.

michele said...

ewww. sorry.

Kelsey said...

I love your humor and miss it and you! Hope you get to keep some food down soon!!!

natalie spratling said...

try french fries - that is all I ate with Parker. They went down easy and they came up easy. It is all too vivid in my mind. Good Luck!

Jenny said...

I am not an expert on vomit. In fact I will roll around and fight the urge for hours. I would rather die than vomit.

I will say that I have been educated. Thanks for the 101.

Hope the N&V ends soon!!!

Annie said...

i haven't thrown up since the 3rd grade. i can't sympathize. unless you want to talk about it coming out the other way. then we can talk!

katie said...

Disgusting Annie.

Really Wild West Mama said...


Try rapid shallow breathing, sitting up. It might help....but if it doesn't, at least you'll be ready for a Happy Labor Day!


Mare said...

Mashed potatoes and chocolate cake on Thursdays - they don't taste so bad twice.
You may want to see if you can get some motion sickness medicine called "phenergan" - it helped me through all 9 months of both pregnancies. I also found that the chlorinated city water was 1/2 my problem. I started buying well water and noticed a HUGE difference.

Kim said...

That's a pretty good list. My sister says hamburgers are pretty bad too. Good luck!

mickey said...

i have to agree with jenny, i hate it too, and will put it off as long as possible...have you peed while puking? that REALLY sucks. i did with nat all the time. TMI i know, but if you haven't experienced it you have something to look forward to. just have plenty of clean undergarments ready to change into.