Tuesday, February 16, 2010

and how are you?

it's tuesday. and i went back to bed after the kids went to school. maybe i should feel bad. but i was tired.

i need to shower. but it takes all my energy and i need to clean.

tucker was hit by a car on friday. he's okay. but we found out yesterday that he has a couple of small fractures that should be surgeried on (can't think today). at a cost of $3000-$6,000. even if shawn had been working for the last 3 months, i don't know that we could afford that for a dog. the vet did say that if surgery is not financially possible, then we can keep him on strict bedrest for 4-6 weeks. funny--that's like keeping anna or mikey on strict bedrest. but that is the route we are going with, it's cheapest.

i've got less than 5 weeks left of pregnancy. i am getting anxious. i want to meet this little baby. plus, i want to be comfortable again. i want to walk without having contractions. and i want to be able to walk and breath at the same time. and i want to be able to move around without feeling like everything inside me is going to come bursting out from between my legs. you know that feeling, don't you? and i want to stop having to pee all the time.

there are a few things i will miss with being pregnant: expectant mother parking spots, sit-n-shops, and feeling the baby move inside. i think that is amazing. really amazing.

i am really wishing i had a magic fairy to come clean. and i really wish the sun would shine. and i need a coke with pebble ice. and also, just a cup of pebble ice. yum.

any guesses on when the new baby burton will be arriving? i prefer march sometime. early march. on an even day. we all have even day birthdays: 22, 14, 4, 28...


Alyssa said...

My guess is March 21st.
And I am so, so sorry to hear about Tucker. I hope he gets better with bedrest. And that you can actually keep him on bedrest.

lemoniepants said...

i really really wish i was an adult with my own car so i could drive and bring you a sonic coke and a bag of sonic ice. cause i know how you feel, and i feel guilty because i am feeling better.

surely there is an easy way to solve our messy homes issue. without anyone getting hurt...

p.s. my house wins messiest.

Raimi said...

wish i lived closer so i could come clean your house for you. i hope you know that i would if i could :-). hang in there, those last few weeks of pregnancy can really take a toll. just keep thinking fo that sweet little babe you'll be rocking in your arms, in just a few short weeks...i am kind of jealous ;-).

katie said...

Want ME to come clean? I would. And I'd pay good money to see you driving a sit and shop. I give you two weeks, tops.

mickey said...

fine. really fine. okay so i have a healthy dog who doesn't need surgery. and my insides seem to be staying in place, but my foot is being a pain. as for your house, sounds like you have plenty of help there. and so i will stick with coming on late nights to go sit-n-shops riding with ya!

Tiffany said...

I wish you early delivery, a restful dog and a speedy recovery, and all the pebble ice you can stand.

I miss you.

Voice of Reason said...

I saw a couple ferries today going into the gents washroom at the Canada Ice Centre. I don't think, however, that they were there to do any cleaning. And I did not misspell centre. That is another Canadian dyslexic spelling.

Annie said...

ok, i have some free time next week. actually, a lot of free time! did you get the baby bedding from mom's? i left it there. i think soon, really soon. could you wait til sunday when i am home? thanks.

natalie spratling said...

I pray that the baby comes sooooooooon:) I wish I was closer I am a good "cleaner-upper" I wish I could help you out with the pebble ice...just have that baby soon and you can have all you want in Labor and delivery. good luck