Monday, April 23, 2007

tag--i'm it

here are five little known facts about me which i am not sure if they are really little known--we'll see:

  1. i have had stitches only once in my life and they were on purpose not by accident: i had a little hangy thing between my two front teeth. in third grade it was removed and 2 or 3 stitches were put it place to bring my gums back to together. i have never cut myself or even had stitches from having my babies--not a thing.
  2. i have always had a bad habit of biting my nails--except for the two months i was engaged (too many people looking at my hands).
  3. i love to sleep on the couch and i always have. my dad used to say "i don't know why you have a room, you never even sleep in it". i think it is a security thing--i used to (and still do although not as frequent) have really horrible nightmares. i am getting better now since i sleep through the night.
  4. speaking of dreams, i have deja vu a lot--it's freaky. my latest occurred with the vt shooting last week. disturbing. really disturbing. (it's not always with bad things.)
  5. i talk to myself all the time. outloud. it's great. and i talk to things--objects--like they can hear me and respond back. it's kind of nice to always have something or someone (i am a great listener) to listen.

there you go. fascinating. i tag mom, katie, mickey, michele and annie (i guess, annnie, that means you have to start a blog!)


Unknown said...

I love your list. I remembered the couch thing but the stitches were definitely new. I am so happy to hear you talk to yourself outloud. I am finding I do this more and more all the time. I thought it was just a result of living alone for too long - mostly I talk to my plants or the fridge or my computer or to nothing in particular. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

katie said...

Yes, you do talk to yourself all of the time. Comments on everything you see on the tv, movies, live theater. Here's my advice to anyone reading this blog. DO NOT sit by Liz. She will comment, sing along, etc. at everything. unless of course you like that sort of thing.

lizzie said...

i am a splendid person to sit by!

mickey said...

i would have to agree! of course were two peas in a pod and love to talke and comment throuhg everything. thanks for the challenge i just might take time to blog tommorow!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I missed this, Liz, but I love it! I knew you were a nail biter, but the others were new to me. I often speak to objects as well, but it's usually to apologize once I've bumped into them.