Tuesday, November 07, 2006

like mother, like daughter

anna: "mom, i need to find my library book. where is my book."
me: "i don't know. it's not my book. did you put it away?"
anna: "last time i saw it was at the old house on the dining table."
me: "huh. that was a long time ago. i have know idea where it would be."
anna: "mom, if i don't find it, it will be overdoomed."
me: "well, i don't know what to tell you."
anna: "but mom, i can't be overdoomed. i just can't be overdoomed."
me: "you will just have to pay for it."
anna: "but i will be overdoomed. i can't be overdoomed."
me: "you should be more responsible--i don't know what to tell you."
anna: "i don't want to be overdoomed! i can't want to be overdoomed. sami was overdoomed. i don't want to be overdoomed...overdooomed...overdoomed...overdoomed."

i am thinking that anna may have the same bad library habits that i do. i know i should have said more comforting things to her, but i just loved hearing her say "overdoomed".

post script: i still haven't paid my fine. i am terrified i will get pulled over one day and haul me off to prison for my outstanding fines. i hear they do that.


Unknown said...

I wonder what overdoomed would really me. . . are you extra doomed (ill-fated) or perhaps it means you have moved above and beyond being doomed. . . hmmmm. either way, I kind of like Anna's use.

Anonymous said...

now i know what i've been all these years---overdoomed. so glad it finally has a name. thanks, anna.

Anonymous said...

liz, if you ever get pulled over just tell them you have all your books and the money due in your back seat and your currently enroute to the library.

cops love good excuses.