Tuesday, June 20, 2006

to shawn, for father's day two days ago

thank you for being a great dad
thank you for playing golf in the backyard with the kids
thank you for taking them to lagoon
thank you for making "fancy restaurant" dinners for them
thank you for putting them to bed
thank you for praying with them
thank you for letting them "help" you with the yard work
thank you for letting them "help" you with the house work
thank you for setting up their movie theater on the deck
thank you for bathing them and cleaning up mikey's poop in the tub
thank you for taking them to church
thank you for encouraging them in their play by playing with them
thank you for loving them
and most of all
thank you for making us a great family

you truly are the best---i love you


Anonymous said...

you are a lucky family : )

Anonymous said...

awwwww, shucks!