Friday, September 01, 2006

journal moment

last night, michael wanted me. he wanted me! over shawn! he went into our bed. and settled down. he wasn't feeling well. he called to shawn,
"daddy, will you tell mommy to come lay by me."
i cried. i can't describe to you how i felt. my children ALWAYS want their daddy. but this time he chose me.
michael chose me!


Anonymous said...

i know the feeling. chalk one up for mom!

Unknown said...

my mom still likes to remind my brothers and me of the time we were having a hypothetical discussion around the dinner table about who we would choose to live with if our parents ever got divorced (no one recalls why this was a suitable topic of discussion for 4 children under 9) - we chose dad and my sister chose mom. She got one out of 4. I think it was because my dad was a graduate student and working so he was kind of a novelty to be around, Mom was always there. Of course, now I'm much closer to my mom, so hang in there the scales will tip once the novelty of dad wears off : )