Thursday, September 28, 2006

what about me--the mother?

anna won't give me a kiss goodbye in the mornings anymore when i drop her off at school. she will blow me a kiss but won't even use her hands to send it my way. just a little pucker and blow of her lips and off she goes. she is only in first grade! i am her mother! she can't be too cool for her mom in first grade, can she?
really, my heart is broken.


Unknown said...

You should talk to my mother. This sounds like one of the stories she told about me and I have a distinct memory of hating that she was in my 1st grade class room paying for my lunch tickets when there were other kids around who did not have mothers looking over their shoulders! The good news is we are now very close.

zeroelus said...

just keep reassuring her that no matter how "cool" she gets she will always need her mommy.mmy.

Anonymous said...

just keep reassuring yourself that no matter how "cool" she gets she will always need her mommy. she knows how much you love her, and she will always keep that love deep with-in her heart.