Friday, August 17, 2007

say what?

michael has really been into playing "paper, rock, scissors" lately. tonight we (shawn and i) were trying to coax michael into his bed with me laying by him (they ALWAYS want shawn).

shawn told him to come play "paper, rock, scissors" with me and then whispered in his ear something to the effect of "do nuclear bomb (which for those of you who don't know and don't get it--the nuclear bomb destroys paper, rock AND scissors).

well, mikey gets a sly grin on his face and comes and jumps on the bed. he reaches his hand over and starts tickling my bumb.

i guess he heard shawn say "go tickle her bumb."


Leeann said...

LOL...that is TOO funny! It was always rock, paper & scissors for me, but somewhere my children also learned "saw." I don't know how it fits in, but bum tickling is sooo much better! :)

katie said...

Hey liz....last time I checked, bum wasn't spelled with a B at the end. Did you go to Midvale Middle or something?

lizzie said...

guess i must be a little dum.

Anonymous said...

good one!!

michele said...

he he he

Anonymous said...

Midvale Middle Skool...Alps Spelling...Home of the Trojans

Raimi said...

I am cracking up! He is too much!
