Monday, December 08, 2008

all i want for christmas...

he has lost his first tooth! and ain't he cute. it's been loose for about a week and today when he came home from school, i "checked" it and with a little twist, out it came! the one next to it is super loose too...i will "check" on that one tomorrow.

ps. sorry about the picture, it's from my phone...remember, my camera is gone?!


Mare said...

yeah...that's so awesome. Maybe we'll 'check it' tonight!

Unknown said...

your "checking" sounds painful. And I believe I see that your tree is up and decorated in the background?

katie said...

Cute little Mikey. Hope that Colorado tooth fairy brings the big bucks.

Dan said...

I don't think that's the tree in the background. It looks more like Mikey's new earring. How were you able to light it up like that?

Barb said...

Wow good for Mikey. I wish Ethan was more like him. He has had a loose tooth for over a month and won't wiggle it unless I really bug him. Now he has his "big" tooth coming up behind and he has to have the dentist pull all 4 of his bottom front teeth out before the another tooth comes in!! Ethan will have to have braces for sure now. All because he doesn't listen to his mother.
So way to go Mikey!!! You won't have to worry about a dentist and I think the tooth fairy should give you BIG bucks for doing it the SMART way!!

Annie said...

what a handsome guy!!! congrats! i think i have some teeth the tooth fairy never left me anything for. do you think the colorado tooth fairy would bring me something???

Mandy said...

I love the tooth fairy, she is awesome and so is loosing teeth!

And sorry about the fake tree, but to be honest we have a real one and i'm afraind the house is going to burn down- at least you're safe!

mickey said...

you should be a dentist. you'd make good money. go for it! congrats mikey!!!

Raimi said...

What perfect timing! He is so cute!