Wednesday, August 23, 2006

1st grade and mawzzmeyos

okay, i am not quite sure what to do. 11:30 is coming and going and i feel like i should be picking anna up from kindergarten only she is in 1st grade now. i was thinking about this and decided i should go and make my bed. you know, do something. huh, the bed was already made. i had already done it. wow. it is only day three and i am at a loss as what to do. i know i have things to do it just seems that i shouldn't be able to get to them because of the kids. now, i don't have an excuse and i don't know what to do. huh. wow. this is a wierd feeling.
i told mikey i didn't know what to do and he said "you can get me a bow of mawzzmeyos" (bowl of marshmellows). so i did. now, what do i do? i got a whole 27 minutes before shawn comes home for lunch. huh. wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You little empty-nester, you. Feel free to come and make the beds at my house. It rarely happens.