Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i will try to answer the inquiries of all:

i lied. i was never really on so you think you can dance. but i really think i should be.

i am afraid to admit that i was in a michael mclean movie "if you only believe in yourself". it was sort of a concert video and i was on the front row. and i kept making the raining sound when we were suppose to stop. i have the movie. come by, and i will show it to you...maybe.

as for skinny dipping...we once had a hot tub in our backyard.

and as for running away. it really isn't a pleasant story, but i will tell it. it was about four years ago in the middle of my great depression. i couldn't stand it anymore. so i left one night. i was nice and took the crappy white truck (buttercup, for those of you familiar with our vehicles) so shawn could have the family-friendly vehicle because i fully intended on never coming back. i started north on i-15. i only made it as far as slc downtown. i was crying and couldn't see and i was afraid that buttercup wouldn't make it much further (it was a completely unreliable truck). i made my way to a friend's apartment. she wasn't home and i cried in front of her door for over and hour--with a few people walking by and staring and wondering. she finally made it home and calmed me down. after a few hours, she talked me into going home. she saved me. shortly after that, instead of running away, i had a stay in the hospital. a much better solution than running away.

so there you have it. all of it. aren't you glad you asked?


Anonymous said...

I'll never forget laughing and crying with you that night. I love you and your beautiful laugh.

I think you should be on So You Think You Can Dance too.

Tiffany said...

You will never understand how cool I think you are! Thanks for sharing, even the teary-eyed stuff. :)

katie said...

Thanks Alyssa for saving my sister. And the hwole hot tub thing grosses me out. I SAT IN THERE!

Annie said...

Katie said EXACTLY what I was going to say...vomit.

Voice of Reason said...

The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree. That is the same kind of hot tub attire that Rhonda is partial to.

Elissa said...

oh my gosh, how do you follow that comment? You guys have the best family. What year was your stay in the hospital? We may have stayed at the same "wing". Your awesome- thanks for sharing your memories with us.

Mare said...

Honestly, I don't think you should have followed up. What is the internet for (and blogs for that matter) other than telling flat out lies about ourselves? (Not that I promote lying or anything) but where is the mystery if you fess up?
Yeah - the hot tub think is kind of nasty - and you wonder why I don't like to drink swimming pool water? Yeck!

Leeann said...

I'm incredibly jealous of the hot tub thing.
It's on my list of things to do before I die.