Friday, July 08, 2005

to sleep or not to sleep

today i put michael down for a nap. he is my almost 3 year old son. i was pretty sure he was tired and i knew for sure i was tired. i slept for a little more than three hours (he slept for four).

i can sleep. i can sleep almost anytime of day for however long. however, i do have two children who don't and they do require supervision. one of the lovely side effects of depression and/or depression medication for me is the sleepiness. if i was a "normal" human being, 9 hours of sleep would be sufficient but i am not "normal" nor do i care to be anymore (another topic for another day).

i have been thinking about taking up some form of exercise. i am not sure yet what it will be but i am already hating it. i know it increases something in the brain (i forget exactly what tonite maybe i will remember tomorrow) to help you combat the mean friend. it might also help me reduce the size of my fatass. but it is scary to think about.

i would rather sleep.

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