Wednesday, May 31, 2006

silly quiz

this photo refers to question #13 (thanks emily, it will always be on my wall).

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find a line:
"It's the perfect gift for those who love nuts in the shell." (western nut company brochure--don't ask why)

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can:
nothing, but if i turn around i can hit my kids in the heads! wonderful!

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
elimiDATE...lame. i couln't find mad about you and i think elimiDATE has taken it's time slot. i am mad about that. the tv didn't get turned off. i didn't watch that on purpose. i never do.

4. Without looking, guess what time it is?
1:38 pm

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
1:46 pm (i am pretty good--but not as good as tiff)

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
It sounds like "Disco Sweat" with Richard Simmons. the kids really like Richard.

7. When did you last step outside?
Just a bit ago

8. What were you doing?
getting my purse out of the trunk of my car to get the fabric from the purse to help anna make the pillow for her teacher.

9. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
The Quilter's Cache--for info on how to make yo-yo's for anna's pillow. i don't think i will do them this time.

10. What are you wearing?
jean skirt, red shirt, white cami, & black flip-flops (because there is sand all over my floor otherwise i would not be wearing shoes).

11. Did you dream last night?
last night? not last night. but all the nights before for the last week, yes. interpretation please: a gal from church got up to bear her testimony and all she did was tell everyone how undependable i am and irresponsible. and that they should not listen to me or be my friend. i had to teach the next day (and i really did in real life) and i remember that i felt terribly inadequate and ashamed. it was a high stress dream.

12. When did you last laugh?
well, i chuckled at anna's graduation program at some of the kids and their singing and dancing. but i haven't had a good-hard-hurt-your-stomach laugh in a while. i need one.

13. What is on the wall of the room you are in?
calendar day-by-day page from Mr. Rogers. it says
"How essential it is to find safe ways of expressing how we feel about what is important to us."

peanuts calendar page:
Lucy: No one ever asks me what i think of something.
Charlie: Well, what do you think of something.
Lucy: Who knows?

a certificate that reads:
The Faculty and Board of Managers of
Burton Home Engineering
certify to all that
Liz Burton (in big bold fancy letters)
has been certified as Senior Home Manager.
it is signed and dated: 8/14/04 Shawn Burton
i have since moved up in ranks to President and CEO (self-appointed and no certificate)

and the above mentioned photo of the cartoon (my favorite)

14. Seen anything wierd lately?
my neighbors: spooky, spanky, the circus lady, and the he/she but like alyssa, they have become my norm

15. What is the last film you saw?
um, i think it was the davinci code bit i did catch a glimpse of "Disco Sweat"

16. If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?
i wouldn't buy anything. i would donate it all to charity. okay i would probably pay my tithing
and buy everyone that i like cruise tickets for around the world (i would pay for their time off too. i wouldn't want anyone to have any excuses).

17. Tell me something about you that i don't know.
i really like to listen to talk radio--bob, rush, glenn, laura (sometimes she bugs), george, art, ian, steve, grocery guru (i really don't like him but i like the deals), drudge, etc

18.Do you like to dance?
what kind of question is that? LOVE to DANCE! it all began with the church dances. although, i never did get kicked out (except that i left because alyssa was my ride i'm sure) and i never had to take a breathalizer. and i never smacked anyone like mickey and get into a yelling fight over it although i stood behind her. i did wear shorts under skirts to do cool moves.

19. 5 people who must also do this in their blog.
um i don't think i know that many people who read my blog. if you do you could let me know and give me a boost of self-confidence (just don't tell me you read it and think it's lousy-thanks).


Anonymous said...

Avid reader, lizzie, but of course, you already knew that. By the way, I've been meaning to ask if I can provide a link to your site on my site... I think you should. Let me know.

Unknown said...

thanks for bringing that cartoon back into my life!