Monday, October 15, 2007

what's a mom to do?

anna was making cards last night for her game of "the price is right" with mikey. i looked down and saw that she had spelled "right" wrong (rite was her spelling). i told her she spelled it wrong and suggested she correct it.

she looked at me and said, "i don't care. mikey can't read anyway."

huh. that wasn't my point. what a smarty.


Mari said...

anna is hillarious. you could seriously "rite" a book from stuff she says. you two make a very funny conversation combination.

Leeann said...

smart kid!

mickey said...

next time ask her to please "rite" it "rite" so mike can learn to read from her "riting."

Raimi said...

She is one cute kid! I wish we lived closer so our kids could know each other & have fond memories of visits like we had growing up! Miss you!


Unknown said...

I can't wait until Anna is a teenager and makes her own "mom's anger" tape. I know that day is coming soon and I just ask that you post video when it does :)

(and yes, I'm saying Anna is just like you!)