Tuesday, November 13, 2007

7 habit tuesday: the bad (and some REALLY ugly)

1. i bite my nails. really disgusting. i know.
2. i am VERY unorganized. it really sucks to not be able to find something when you need it.
3. i let the gas in my car go on empty for as long as possible.
4. i don't balance my checkbook regularly.
5. i don't shave my legs or pits very often.
6. i watch too much tv: regis & kelly, the view, beverly hills 90210, oprah, wheel of fortune, price is right, jeopardy, dancing with the stars, the bachelor, survivor, law and order--any of them, the office, monk, psych (just to name a few)
7. i start too many projects that i don't finish.

really this list could go on and on but i need to stop for my self-esteem to not drop anymore today. aren't you glad you are friends with me?


Unknown said...

shoot, you reminded me of some of mine I omitted . . . #3, yup, #4 can you say never? and I already mentioned #6 on mine.

natalie spratling said...

at least you are admitting to having bad habits...i just try and ignore them, hoping they will go away. this may be one blog i need to get the courage up to do. maybe some day. then i would have to face reality.

michele said...

at least you start projects.

Anonymous said...

I share 2,3,4,5, and 7 with you. No wonder we're friends.

Jennica said...

I love how honest you are. I really need to do this someday. I too bite my nails... it drives me and Steve nuts. I really am not organized either... projects... yes I have a million of them. I am glad we are friends.

Anonymous said...

As for #7, you at least finished the list. Or was it supposed to be ten, and you gave up after 7?

katie said...

I'm glad to say that I enjoy sitting on your couch watching t.v. with my hairy legs, biting my nails.

Leeann said...

I don't like to gas either! I hate that little task. So, I usually end up praying that I don't run out.

Anonymous said...

none of your bad habit are really that bad. :) You're funny!